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Stephanie Bell

Director of Music

Stephanie Bell

Stephanie Bell... having grown up in this amazing church, Faith UMC since I was 2y/o. I have grown spiritually through all the inspiring Parishioners which has helped me grow raising my children. My husband George and I were married at Faith in 2014, then we started our family in 2015. My husband and I have 3 wonderful children which we enjoy having them now grow up in our church.


 My musical interests began with listening to the Adult Chancel Choir in the back pew at a young age ... (really just being my mother’s shadow). Then, I was in the children’s choir, hanging with the trouble tenors and bad boy basses!! (They always seem to be getting in trouble not following their choir leader little laughs and giggles throughout the rehearsals and singing praises to our God.) This had a long-lasting impression for me and inspired me to really be more serious on wanting to be more involved in the music program.


I started playing handbells at age 12 and got incredibly involved in the youth program and kept growing deeper in my faith. At the age of 18, I was asked if I wanted to start taking over the rehearsal as our bell director as the minister and had enough on his plate and of course I agreed!


This only inspired me to do more.  At the age of 20 I was asked to be the director of music here at Faith.  Here I have been able to celebrate through music Gods love for all of us.


Let us all make a joyful noise unto the Lord.