Being Disciples by Loving God... >

Being Disciples by Loving God

Children's Ministry Director: Heather Stefan

Faith United Methodist Church Children’s Ministry Program Celebrating Our Children Welcome!

We are so happy to have you here! Children are an important part of our church family. We have a variety of ministries specifically designed for the spiritual development of children at Faith UMC and their families.

● During Covid-19 pandemic, we are currently not providing in-person Sunday school, nursery or programming. We have a variety of online activities and virtual Sunday School programs offered each week. We are also providing busy-bags during our outdoor drive-up worship for our young worshippers.

 We ENTHUSIASTICALLY welcome you and your children to worship! Relax and know that God put the wiggles and little noises in children--don’t worry if they show this off! Remember that the way we welcome children in church directly affects the way they respond to the Church, to God, and to one another. We want people of all ages to feel welcome here in worship.

● All Children are invited to participate in our Children’s Moment during worship.

● Nursery is provided for children, birth through age 2 ½, and through kindergarten when Sunday school isn’t provided.

● Sunday School at 11:00 a.m. (during school year) currently we are offering parking lot worship bags for children in preschool (3 years old and potty trained)-kindergarten; 1st-5th grade; middle school and high school. Children through 5th grade begin worship in the sanctuary with their families, and will go to their Sunday School classes after the Children’s Moment. Middle and high schoolers begin their Sunday school time at the beginning of the worship service in our lower level classrooms.

● Blue Bags are available for our preschool and kindergarten age students and our Tan Bags are available for our elementary students. These bags have age appropriate materials that can be completed quietly in the pews.

● Summer Sunday School is available for children 3 years of age through children going into 5th grade (beginning Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day).

Nursery Attendant: Sundays at 11:00 a.m.  Lauren Solano is available to care for your infant to 2 year olds, providing that much needed time of worship for parents & grandparents.

For more information contact:  Children’s Ministry and Sunday School Coordinator (Grades prek-5): Heather Stefan

 High School Sunday School: Cheryl Lentner (Youth Coordinator)

SUNDAY MORNINGS @ 11:30 a.m. via Zoom currently due to covid restrictions for High School & Middle School Worship & Relationship Building is our time for 6th - 12th grade students to build their understanding of the Bible and grow in their relationship with God and each other.  

We have a very intentional and thought provoking curriculum, regarding "How Blessed to Be" regarding the BEATITUDES.  This is an introspective look at the Christlike qualities we can cultivate for a more enriched life. 

Taught by Cheryl Lentner and Jeff Stefan

Middle School Sunday School   is a time for 6th-8th grade students to begin learning more about the Bible, God and his Commandments and how to use these tools in everyday live. - Taught by Jim & Cindy Allison, Justin & Madison Bommer


Wednesday Morning Devotions @ 10:00 a.m., are for anyone with a desire to grow in their faith through the biblical teachings of Pastor Wayne Price.  This devotion can be utilized via email, Zoom (currently) and in person at Faith UMC.  

Faith Youth & Music - Sundays @ 10:30 a.m. (during the school year), a great opportunity for the musically inclined youth to learn and develop their abilities while learning Christian music.  Music Director, Stephanie Bell helps our youth to share their love of music and God with our congregation.

Recreational Ministries - Mondays in the Summer @ 5:30 p.m. time to TEE OFF with the Faith Golfers at Wesburn Golf Course.  For more information check with Kay Korns or Cindy Allison.

Special Programs:

● Safe Sanctuary Training for all of our volunteers

● 3rd Grade Bible Sponsor and Presentations (October)

● Indoor Trick or Treat

● Advent Party and Christmas Program

● Easter Activity

● Many other intergenerational activities throughout the year